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Tales of the Supernatural


As part of the annual observance of Halloween on Oct. 31 and the All Saints Day and All Souls Day on Nov. 1 and 2, Cebu Daily News compiled some true-to-life scary stories to mark the holidays.


In Nov. 2010, a group of nursing graduates stayed in the second floor of the nursing review center and at night, they experienced such unnerving sights and sounds as locked doors suddenly opening, shadows of people that were not there like a wandering child and one of them being choked by some unseen force.

It was on their second week that something terrible happened. While doing a group study, one of them suddenly froze, turned pale and gave everyone a blank stare. Each of them took her vital signs and her blood pressure read 160/100, while her pulse rate was 85 and respiration at 25.

At least six of the graduates prayed for her. Every time they mentioned “in Jesus’s name, stay away from the body” lightning flashed across the room followed by crackling thunder.

Whatever possessed the first graduate soon took over another examinee who tried to perform the exorcism. Her eyeballs turned all black and she shouted “hadlok mo namo (you’re afraid of us)” causing everyone in the room to scream.

Everyone wanted to go home and end the review but the exams were getting close so they didn’t have a choice but to continue.

One of the graduates said the spirits never left them until the end of the one month review and they just had to pray every moment to keep them all safe from harm.

Some of the students had to go through stress debriefing after the review. Good thing most of them passed the board exam despite what happened at the review center in Cebu City.

Thanks for visiting my wake

A group of commerce students attended their afternoon class after visiting a classmate’s wake. While the teacher talked, one of the students suddenly made odd jerking body movements.

His classmates asked if he was alright but he didn’t reply. Then the student stood up and spoke, sounding like their classmate who passed away early in the semester.

A priest was later called in to check on the student. The incident made the rounds of the school after it happened.

Chemistry Lab

A student of an all-girls school didn’t need much tutoring but a teacher kept on inviting her for a free tutorial after class. Irritated by the prodding, the student agreed. The tutorial is always held at the school’s chemistry laboratory.

She recalled that every time they went to that laboratory, it is transformed into something unusually homey after class. The student wondered how it was done.

Whenever she missed a session, the teacher would always follow her around. She later found out that she was the only one who could see and talk to the teacher.

The student realized she can see things unseen by ordinary people. Disturbed about it, she had to talk to the school’s guidance counselor. The school later asked a priest to bless the school especially the laboratory.

The priest who performed the blessing told the guidance counselor: “daghana ani nila oy” (there are just too many of them).”

Handsome student

A teacher was quick to exclaim that the class she handled had a handsome young man when the classroom door suddenly opened. Rather than be alarmed, the teacher and her class shrugged it off.

One of the students told the teacher in jest “naa man lalaki amung klase pero wala mai gwapo (We do have male classmates but no one is good looking).”

After the class, a classmate with an active “third eye” told the class there was indeed another “student” who walked in on their class and was indeed good looking.

Lab visitor

A student wanting to finish her science project asked the lab professor if she could stay a few more minutes to finish the project. It was dusk at the time and the rest of the class were leaving.

The lab professor told her she had to go but the student asked that she stay on for a few more minutes. The professor insisted and the student left class.

As they left the lab, the professor told the student that they had to leave early because she saw someone else in the room.

She said some supernatural being ran through the students’ hair while she was busy examining a sample through a microscope.

Dark lady

Two students were in the lab and one  of them left the room to answer a phone call. The other student then ran out of the room, telling his classmate that they had to leave the place. He said he heard footsteps in the room.

Remembering that a computer was still on, one of the students went back to the room to turn it off. On entering the room, he noticed that one of the venetian blinds was moving. He ignored it and turned off the computer.

When he shared his experience to another classmate, he was told that a lady in black was spotted on the exact spot where one of the venetian blinds moved.

Moving hand print

When a college professor started writing down notes on the chalkboard in front of her class, she tried to erase a wet hand print on the board. She was shocked to see that the hand print moved from left to right as she tried to wipe it off and this frightened her class as well.

Close, open

A Mass Communication graduate recalled her own scary experience in school, when she sat near the classroom’s door in one of their Saturday classes.

Just as she was getting sleepy, she woke up from her stupor by the sound of the door knob being twisted a few meters away from her. Knowing that her class was the only one held in the building caused her goosebumps.

She thought it was a classmate that arrived late but a few minutes after, the door opened again and then banged close.

The door opened again the third time and closed itself loudly, causing the class to take notice. She checked to see if anyone was playing games but when she went outside, no one was around.

She said it was impossible for anyone to hide so quickly since their room was in the middle of a long hallway and the other classrooms were closed. The door also had a glass window in it so it was obvious that no one was around.

Speech lab freakout

A student entered a vacant speech laboratory to study for the final exam. A few minutes of studying and she heard a noise behind her. She ignored it at first but a few minutes later, she felt her hair move.

When she saw the chairs moving she ran outside and was seen by the janitor who asked what happened to her. She told him what she experienced and the janitor said these things happen in the speech lab all the time.

Photo by Apple Ta-as

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