An advertising executive surprised those in attendance at the seminar when he said he spends at least seven hours a day on Facebook.

The moderator was shocked, saying that he thinks it was such a waste of time. But the ad executive disagreed, saying there’s a minefield of information waiting and available at one’s fingertips in social media.

But the ad executive said he turns off his Facebook account when he’s on holidays.


During a recent press conference for an international event, the main speaker was running more than an hour late.

Organizers started to get concerned especially since there were people who were there on time and getting impatient.

A promotional video for the event had been running at the time for so long that the audience had memorized the lines.


The presence of “independents” in the City Council had made members wary about each other’s loyalty.

During one voting in one of the council’s sessions, some councilors questioned one of these independents who voted with the other party.

Another councilor identified with one party admitted that he wanted to vote with the other side but refrained from doing so lest he be accused of disloyalty.