Maribago II

Maribago II

There is nothing ground-breaking about Pierre Marie Brisson’s work. However, if you allow yourself to be seduced by the hues and textures of his collage, you will feel
the reverberations of creative spirits past.

For it seems that Brisson has tasked himself into channeling the energy of great artists, fellow Frenchmen Edgar Degas and Henri Matisse.

Degas, the reluctant Parisian co-founder of the Impressionist movement was famous in the late 1800s for his paintings of dancers in motion as well as what the critics call “psychologically complex” nudes.


Matisse, from the northern part of France, considered one of the giants of modern art, founded Fauvism but is probably more remembered for his
cut-outs, which he made during the 1940s.

Brisson from Orleans, France, celebrates Degas dancers and Matisse cut-outs in his collage and mixed media works. Brisson says the use of cut-outs opens the door of possibilities for him as an artist.

Maribago I

He also likes the textures that they provide to his works.

Brisson’s Maribago series (attributing to the place in Mactan where he did them) was the first exhibit at the Pig & Palm in MSY Tower in Cebu Business Park.

Succumbing to the slow leisurely life he experienced here in Cebu, he simply titled many of his paintings “Maribago” and “Little Maribago.”