Drug Test: Did he or didn’t he?

CEBU City Mayor Michael Rama yesterday neither confirmed nor denied reports that he had submitted himself to a drug test.

City Hall sources, including officials allied with the mayor, said Rama discreetly took the test Thursday afternoon.

Unlike some councilors who even posed for pictures while handing over their urine samples to laboratory technicians, the mayor clammed up on the issue.
“I have my manners. Too much publicity – give it to them. ‘’ll have my time,” Rama said yesterday.

Alice Utlang head of the City Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (Cosap), said the test results are confidential.
The measure came after the Cebu Council last week passed a resolution directing the Cosap to subject City Hall’s over 5,000 employees to drug tests.

Meanwhile, Vice Mayor Edgar Labella will take the helm at City Hall as Rama will be taking a week-long break.
Rama refused to say exactly where he was going, but talks have it that he will be going abroad.