A mall-goer was passing by the stall of an insurance company as she was going out of the establishment when she was stopped by a staff of the insurance firm.

The insurance agent insisted that she stop by their stall even if the mall-goer was explaining that she was in a hurry and needed to leave.

When the staff persisted, the mall-goer got so pissed and yelled, “I am not interested!” startling other mall-goers near her.


A white parrot displayed at the yard of a home in an exclusive village in Cebu City is entertaining not just the pet’s owners but their visitors as well.

Three teenagers who went to the house, which is owned by their high school classmate, narrated that while waiting for their friend, one of them asked the parrot, “Hi, can you talk?” To their surprise, the parrot replied, “Batig nawong!” Everyone laughed out loud.


A public figure went inside a café as he wanted to connect for the free WiFi. When he asked the waiter for the password, the waiter told him to eat first. The public figure then ordered a cold drink. After he finished his drink, he told the waiter for the password and the waiter answered, “eat first.”

The public figure was so irritated that he decided to leave the establishment. But once outside, he was shocked when he saw the WiFi password posted on the door, which read, “eat first.”