Remember these tips to avoid road rage

WITH THE Cebu road rage incident being a hot topic in the past days, Cebu Daily News found it fitting enough to share tips on how to avoid getting into an altercation on the road.

These tips are from IAM RoadSmart, under UK’s largest road safety charity, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM). Motioncars,’s motoring site, ran this article in July last year.
In the article, IAM RoadSmart head of standards Richard Gladman talks about how to avoid becoming a road rage victim, and what to do if it does escalate.

If someone is being confrontational or aggressive, don’t make eye contact and don’t react visibly.

Let the other driver go on ahead. You might feel wronged, but letting the other party go will make no difference to the rest of your day.

Name and shame! If you or better, your passengers, can film any behavior on your mobile phone, it will help in terms of evidence, including the registration number of the other vehicle involved.

If the conflict is more serious and other processes aren’t working, call the police, especially if you feel there is a threat or possibility of violence against you.

Sorry helps. If you were at fault, admit it and apologize. If you feel upset or emotional, pull over and get some fresh air or walk around if you need to before resuming your journey.

Again find some distraction, like listening to the radio – move your mind deliberately onto something else – deliberately driving well would be a good example – but don’t dwell on the incident.

Richard said: “Road rage does not affect everyone every day. If you’re finding it is happening very often, you might want to think about how you engage with other road users. No one need experience road rage, but it us up to each of us to ensure it stays that way.”