Tension arises as city workers try to demolish vendors’ stalls at the old public market in Mandaue City. (CDN PHOTO/ NORMAN MENDOZA)
Tension rose after Mandaue City’s demolition team attempted to demolish 33 structures along B. Ceniza Street in Sitio Ihawan, Barangay Mantuyong on Tuesday morning.
The residents sought a dialogue with Mayor Luigi Quisumbing saying they will not honor the demolition order unless there is a court order and an assurance that they can go back to the area.
They swore to fight the demolition team to death.
“Dili gyud mi mosugot ug makigpatay kon ma demolish diri gawas kon duna sila’y ikapasalig nga kasabutan nga makabalik mi kay dugay na kaayo mi nagpuyo dinhing dapita,” said Flordeliz Romualdo.
(We won’t allow them to demolish our homes. We are ready fight to prevent the demotion unless there is a written agreement that we can return here because we have been living here for a very long time)
She said the team must also present a court order before they will allow the demolition to proceed.
“No court order, no demolition,” she said.
The Crowd Dispersal Management were in the area to help maintain security in case of tension between the residents and the demolition team.
As of noon, residents and the demolition team are still talking after Ceasar Ylanan, who led the demolition, asked to talk to the residents while waiting for Mayor Luigi Quisumbing to personally talk to them.