Cebu Flash Report published a false news story on Facebook about an alleged “OUTBREAK” of the canine distemper virus in Liloan. In total, the post has been commented on, reacted to, and shared over 5,000 times.
Cebu Flash Report has never bothered to contact the Municipal Government of Liloan or the Municipal Agriculturist to verify whether or not this alleged Outbreak exists. There is no such Outbreak in Liloan. Cebu Flash Report published the false news story anyway.
News about outbreaks of any kind is never to be taken lightly, much less, falsely reported on, as it creates panic and distress among the public.
In its Facebook page, Cebu Flash Report presents itself as a “Media/News Company”. It openly solicits “ads”, “promotions”, and “donations” from the public in the course of its operations. The very least it could do is VERIFY INFORMATION PRIOR to publishing it as fact. Failing this, “Media” purporting to do a public service betrays public trust, and violates basic journalistic standards and ethics. A “News Company” that earns commercially from its publications peddling lies and falsehoods commits massive fraud.
Whatever the motivations of the administrators of Cebu Flash Report, they have created unnecessary and unwarranted panic and distress, especially among pet owners, and have caused undue harm and alarm in Liloan and Cebu.
As I understand, this is not the first time that Cebu Flash Report has published unverified “news”, and as a result, sowed panic and terror. Whether it’s reporting FAKE NEWS about a BOMB in Lapu-Lapu or an OUTBREAK in Liloan, Cebu Flash Report’s deception of the public is a menace, and it continues to put people and places in harm’s way. It is just plain WRONG.
In a young and vibrant democracy such as ours, Facebook has become a potent tool for the exercise of our freedoms. It can be a phenomenal force for good. It has been a force for CHANGE.👊🏼 Social media has helped us usher in this new era of change. Let us use it to accomplish our shared hopes for our country, instead of using it as a tool to sow panic, cause alarm, and undue harm, which does nothing to move this country forward.
Read Statement Here:

Official Statement on the alleged virus outbreak in Liloan Town