Cebu City Hall operations were temporarily disrupted on Thursday morning after several employees received bomb threats. Netizens were quick to air out their sentiments, noting that this has not been the first bomb hoax that hit Cebu City in the past months.

William Santos posted on Facebook about the nature of bomb hoaxes. “How many of these warnings in the past have actually been genuine? Seems to me that real bombs don’t get warnings and hoaxes do…so maybe just ignore them.”

Paolo Sancho shared the same opinion. He said, “If the person wants to kill others, why would he still send a text message? He just wants to scare people. I hope his number will be traced.”

Another Facebook user, Dennis Parrado, said, “Those who send bomb threats are useless people. They should instead help Cebu to prosper.”

Wil Mar, on the other hand, gave a suggestion. He said, “There should be a mandatory SIM card registration in the Philippines to avoid these kinds of bluffs.”

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