Find out what’s in store for you in the year of the wooden horse

The horse is one of the favorite animals of the Chinese. It  symbolizes travel, as well as speedy success.

Horses like to compete with others. They pursue their freedom, passion and leadership. Similarly, people will be busy pursuing their goals in the Year of Horse.

Horses enjoy social activities because they like showing off. A social animal, it is also connected to love and is treated as a Romantic Star in the Chinese Horoscope.

The Chinese wouldn’t let a horse do the farm work. Instead, all the farmland jobs go to the ox. It’s  because the Chinese have a higher regard for horses. Horses can help humans win battles. Sitting on the  horse’s back implies that the person is from a noble or higher-ranking family. So people born in the Horse year usually care about their dressing, outlook and speech.

Here’s a prediction for 2014’s Horse Year, based on your birth year.

RAT (1900,  1912,  1924,  1936,  1948,  1960, 1972,  1984,  1996,  2008)

Career:Rat people’s career in 2014 won’t be good. That’s because the Horse and Rat have a hostile  relationship. Horse, being a sign of movement, will see you having a  busy schedule. You may have to work extra hours or be relocated to a new assignment.  If you don’t  accept the challenge, you will lose the opportunity in the competition.

If you’re burdened by  career pressures, consider  working with a new boss or moving to a new company. Your people relationship is poor in the Horse year. Be patient. Keeping a low profile is the key to have a peaceful career in 2014.

Money:Your money luck is fair. Rat people will see many money opportunities, but they have to struggle to own it.

Love:Love relationships for Rat people in 2014 is poor although male Rats have  better chances to meet the opposite sex. If you are single and looking for love,  spend more time and money on social activities. For those in a relationship, devote time with your loved one to maintain ties. As long as Rat people can control their temper, the relationship will be fine.

OX (1901,  1913,  1925,  1937,  1949,  1961,  1973,  1985,  1997,  2009)

Career: Ox people will focus on career in 2014 as  Wood  brings opportunities and pressures on them. But Horse to Ox is the Parent Star, and that means someone will help Ox people when problems arise. So his career luck should be better than last year. However, there is an issue when Horse comes too close to Ox. Horse contains Fire and Earth, which relates to the boss, partners or competitors. Since Ox folk are generally  uncomplaining hard workers, bosses or partners might give them more tasks and make them extremely busy.

Money: Oxes should look for a stable income. Short-term or risky investments are  not recommended. To invest on real estate or house improvement is the better option.

Love:  Because of the mutual hurting relationship of the Ox and Horse, romantic relationships aren’t exactly a bed of roses. Looking for love, it’s difficult to find someone who wants to commit to a long-term relationship with you. If you are married or in love, pay attention to the feelings of your lover. The relationship to Ox people is full of suspicion, complaints, problems. Learn how to accept, be considerate and forgive the one you love.

Health:Ox people should  take care of their health. Horse is a Travel Star and it might hurt him. Therefore, Ox people should watch out for their safety while traveling.

TIGER (1902,  1914,  1926,  1938,  1950,  1962,  1974,  1986,  1998,  2010)

Career: With help from Horse, Tiger will improve his abilities and expand his responsibilities. Wood of 2014 will let Tiger become even stronger and people around will support him. It’s a good time to express ideas.

Money:  A favorable year, but first you must hold a job with a stable income. The money luck is not from windfall, gambling or risky investments. You need to spend  strength and sweat to get it. Tiger enters the land of money opportunity in 2014. Since your people relationship is good, people will lure  you in  financial investments. Protect your  interests. The Ghost Star is wandering about, looking for a chance to take advantage of Tiger people.

Love: Relationships for Tigers in the year of the Horse is pretty good. However, if the relationship is unstable, watch out for people sowing discord between you and your lover. You need to keep the passion burning. Otherwise, your rival in love will win the competition.

Health: Tigers will be full of energy.  Your outdoor activities will increase. Just be cautious on the road. Also, it’s easy to hurt your arms or legs in 2014. Before engaging in any exercise, do enough warm-ups to avoid injury.

RABBIT (1903,  1915,  1927,  1939,  1951,  1963,  1975,  1987,  1999,  2011)

Career: Rabbit people can handle any career challenge and earn a good income from their jobs in 2014. Poised and with outstanding talent, they will have many ideas and endless energy to implement tasks. They have good people relationship in their working environment. However, they don’t have a shot at getting promoted, since the Career Star doesn’t appear in 2014. When Rabbit learns to run faster than Horse, Rabbit might become arrogant. This will impact career development. Be nice and shun office politics if you want to ensure your career growth.

Money:Rabbit people will use talent, appearance and connections to earn money in the Horse year. They will spend more time and money for socials. On the other hand,  money transactions with friends is not a good idea—like a friend inviting you to a venture promising  quick returns. While your money luck is good in 2014, you have to look out for risks that can impact your financial stability.

Love:The love relationship to Rabbit people is super. If you’re looking for love,  time to go all out. Because of your pleasing appearance, people will pay more attention to you and friendships will build from there. If you’re in love, it’s time to build a deeper relationship.

Health:It’s a busy year ahead so Rabbits should balance time  for their tasks and socials. To cope with all this activity, get enough rest and relaxation.

DRAGON (1904,  1916,  1928,  1940,  1952,  1964,  1976,  1988,  2000,  2012)

Career: Dragons need to open their eyes and ascertain if the friend is really a friend or an enemy. They should always think twice before making a move. It’s not a good idea to show too much aggressiveness at work. Changing jobs at the start of the Horse year  is not a smart move either. There’s an Up-and-Down Star in 2014, a sign of uncertainty.

Money: There is a Golden Star appearing in 2014. This means Dragon people will mingle with affluent people. Or they will deal with money-related tasks or activities often.  Still, money luck is not always certain for Dragon people in 2014. Basically, Dragons shouldn’t take on risky investments.  Should you decide to invest, choose water-related fields like  transportation, shipping, swimming, drinking, public media, broad-casting, social work or Internet.

Love: Love luck is fair in 2014. Be patient if you’re looking for love—there’s no Romance Star toward you this year. If you are in love, your relationship development will be slow. It’s fine as long as you can hold on to the commitment.

Health: Pressures from career, finances or relationships could wear you down. Seek close friends and talk about your feelings. That will help you relax body and soul, bring back your energy and spirit.

SNAKE (1905,  1917,  1929,  1941,  1953,  1965,  1977,  1989,  2001,  2013)

Career: Your hardship, discipline and hard work from the previous year will bring you good results this year. Wood is related to Snake’s education. Hence, Snake people will become much smarter. A career promotion is possible.

Money: While finances were slow last year,  it’s a favorable time to embark on a new project and pursue wealth in 2014. But you must earn money from your wisdom—it would be foolhardy to gamble on a risky venture.

Love: Horse brings a Romantic Star to Snake people in 2014. If you are single, attend social activities to find your companion. For those in a relationship, things will even be sweeter.

Health: There is a slight illness sign showing in 2014. Nothing to worry though if  Snake makes it a habit to eat and sleep right, exercise and keep his surroundings clean. But senior Snake people might have to watch their health more often especially during the summer.

HORSE (1906,  1918,  1930,  1942,  1954,  1966,  1978,  1990,  2002,  2014)

Career: There is a Military General Star coming toward Horse people in 2014. That’s a sign of power and leadership. But when Horse meets Horse, a competition ensues. In order to gain leadership, you face many challenges. Therefore, you will spend lots of time with supporters or competitors to solve issues regarding the business. Failing to handle it will make you lose credibility, even power. It’s wise to be humble and patient first. To take action, wait for good timing.  Horse can run very fast and far. However, without a guide on its back, he doesn’t know where to go. Therefore, it’s important to listen to authority.

Money: Horses will have many money dealings in 2014. Expectedly,  people around you are watching the money in your hands. They will try to utilize the  resources you have. They would ask you out often or borrow money from you. To loan money to friends is not a good idea in the Horse year.

Love: There is a Popularity Star appearing in 2014. That will help single Horse people meet the opposite sex. If you’re in a relationship, imposing too much on your lover would ultimately lead to a falling out.

Health: Horses have a stronger body and mind this year. For slight illnesses, they should be able to recover quickly, if they get  rest and nourishment. But Horse people in the Horse year usually can’t sustain a good mood, which could impact their health, too.

SHEEP (1907,  1919,  1931,  1943,  1955,  1967,  1979,  1991,  2003,  2015)

Career: Busy in the Snake year, Sheep people will reap their rewards in the Horse year. The Sun Star is working wonders for you in your working environment. Whenever you need help, a male coworker or boss will appear to provide assistance. The Career Star opens opportunities for the Sheep. But there is no guarantee all your great expectations will be fulfilled, because an Emptiness Star is on the sky.

Money: There’s no strong Money Star appearing in 2014. The money luck for Sheep people is fair. For financial advice, seek the right people to help you manage your wealth. Avoid  short-term investments.  Your major earnings in 2014 will come from your salary or other fixed income. To earn extra, engage in job-related projects.

Love: Female Sheep have better luck in love than the male. Wood of 2014 represents the Husband or Boyfriend Star to a female. So if you are female and single, it’s a good year to find your ideal companion. If you are in love, the Horse year brings a deeper relationship with your lover.

Health: Sheep people won’t have major health concerns in their health even if slight illnesses might come often. Slow down and they should be able to recover quickly.

MONKEY (1908,  1920,  1932,  1944,  1956,  1968,  1980,  1992,  2004,  2016)

Career: Job pressures from last year will continue in 2014. You may have more errands or travel more. Monkey people should use their intelligence to challenge the stress. Wood of 2014 represents money to Monkey people. The money is on top of the Horse. If you can rein in  the Horse, the money is yours. If you cannot catch up with the Horse, you will remain chasing the money.

Money: With the Money Star appearing this year, the opportunity is there. Monkey people just need to figure out how to get it. If the money is on the Horse, Monkey must move faster and work harder to get the reward.

Love: There is no love connection between Monkey and Horse. Romance isn’t strong and will disappear soon. To find a good companion, you need to travel  farther. It’s hard to find one in your current environment. If you are in love, you just have to maintain your existing relationship.

Health: Career or money pressure might bother Monkey people. Summer is a tough time. Monkeys need to recharge to overcome their many challenges.


ROOSTER (1909,  1921,  1933,  1945,  1957,  1969,  1981,  1993,  2005,  2017)

Career: Horse contains Fire, Earth. Fire is related to Career Star for Roosters. It also brings more tasks, pressures and opportunities. Earth inside the Horse means someone offering assistance and protection to Roosters. There is a Moon Star in 2014 so that person could be a female. People relationship in the office is very important to you. Build on those relationships.

Money: Wood of 2014 represents Money to Roosters. The money is there but you have to find a way to get it. Since the money sits beside Horse, Rooster needs to conquer the pressure from Horse. That means a lot of effort, courage and time. But don’t make too much noise as the Horse may get startled and hurt you.

Love: The Romance Star appears in 2014. Roosters  will become popular in their social network. They will have more chances to meet the opposite sex. Wood of 2014 is connected to girlfriend or wife to a man. Therefore, male single Rooster have  a better opportunity to find his new companion.

Health: Pressure at work will occasionally affect your  health. Senior or sick Roosters  need to pay attention to their respiratory system. They should live in a place with good air quality to protect their throat and lungs. Long-distance travel is not recommended for seniors and sick ones in the year of the Horse.


DOG (1910,  1922,  1934,  1946,  1958,  1970,  1982,  1994,  2006,  2018)

Career: Wood of 2014 represents the Career Star to Dog people. That means Horse opens career opportunities to you. Also coming toward Dogs is a Military General Star, a sign of power and leadership. But another, the Unlucky Tiger Star, is watching Dogs, too. That means your enemy is on the same career path as yours and that
you have strong competition. To win the game, Dogs must spend more time with friends and supporters to build solid relationships. Ask their advice.  Also, you need to be low-key—especially   when the villain is around.

Money:  There is no strong Money Star appearing in this Horse Year. So your |major earning will come from regular salary or other fixed income. There is no sign of a windfall or easy money. The short-term money investment won’t bring you a quick return. In general, the money luck of Dog people is fair and stable in the year of Horse year.

Love: Dog people have good people relationship in 2014. You will see that it’s much easier to make friends now than in the previous year.  If you are single, 2014 is a good year to embark on a new relationship. Wood of 2014 represents the Husband or Boyfriend Star to a female. So if you are female and single, 2014 is good year to find an ideal companion. If you’re in a relationship, now’s the time to think about knowing more about the family of your lover.

Health: There is an Unlucky Star regarding health toward Dog people in 2014. That could mean injury so you need to constantly think of safety.

PIG (1911,  1923,  1935,  1947,  1959,  1971,  1983,  1995,  2007, 2019)

Career: Pig people will be very busy in their career. Pig people need lots of energy and brain power to do their work. The Moon Star of 2014 implies a female friend coming to help in your career development. Your career opportunity looks pretty good in 2014. Since the Consumption Star is around, you also need to pay the cost—time, energy and sweat.

Money: A hidden Money Star comes toward Pig people. They may receive good financial advice from close friends or relatives. Increasing wealth is expected. With more money, your expenses will increase, too. Spend wisely.

Love: If you are single, you have good opportunity to find your love in 2014. You may have difficulty spotting your type in social activities. Try not to judge people according to appearances. Look at what’s within. If you are in love or married, all would be well.

Health: There is a Sick Star appearing in 2014. If you are not well,  avoid hospital visits.Don’t neglect your health and you will be fine in the year of Horse.