Leylam wins inter-company title

SHORTLY after announcing their return to the local football scene, Leylam Football Club showcased its winning form by dominating the inter-company division of the San Roque Football Cup last Sunday in Subangdaku, Mandaue City.

Leylam FC beat the number two contender in the inter-company division, Primary Structure FC, 1-0, in the league-type format tournament.

It finished its campaign with a clean slate, beating all of the five other competitors in the division. These were San Miguel FC, Knowles FC, Fair Child FC, Primary Structure FC and Qualfon FC.

Leylam FC, the reigning back-to-back men’s open champion of the Aboitiz Football Cup, relaunched the team last Sept. 1 with a brand new look as part of the Leylam Shawarma’s re-branding campaign.

It will return in Aboitiz Football Cup to defend its title.

The club’s head coach Oliver Colina conducted a try-outs last Monday at the San Roque football field to recruit new players for the men’s open team which will be playing for the upcoming Aboitiz Football Cup.