P11-M shabu seized from woman

CEBU CITY—A 61-year-old woman is facing charges after she tried to transport a kilo of shabu worth P11 million to Japan.

Dorotea Moyes would face charges for attempting to transport illegal drugs.

The police said Moyes was billeted in a hotel in uptown Cebu City and asked the staff to have a courier delivered her package to Japan.

But the management became suspicious of the package and alerted the police.

SPO3 Darius Libanan, mobile beat patroller of Fuente police precinct, went to the hotel, checked the package and found the illegal substance.

Moyes, a native of Quezon province who holds an Australian passport, was brought to the police station for questioning.

Chief Insp. Maria Theresa Macatangay, Fuente police station chief, said the suspect admitted that she was hired by a foreigner to have the package shipped to Japan.

She said the police looked for the foreigner but failed to find him.