A 64-year-old woman who died after being hit by a tourist van along the highway in Barangay Montañeza, Malabuyoc town, southern Cebu drew sympathy and outrage from netizens.

Mladen Krstonosic Angulo said, “Again those fast and furious drivers of the tourist vans. Even the crossing lines don’t deter them from slowing down. Another innocent victim to pay so government should amend the law on reckless driving. Sorry if I have offended someone.”

Another netizen, Manabat Jerilee, wrote,”Pedestrians should always be the priority in any pedestrian lanes. And seeing someone get rammed in pedestrian lane is makabukal gyud ug dugo kay daghan n gyug abusado na (can boil someone’s blood because there are lots of abusive) drivers.”

Alan Schmidt, said “Another tourist van. Does anybody else see stricter enforcement needed.”

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