Fiesta drinks lead to night of abuse of a 13-yo girl

A 13-year-old girl is accusing his 19-year-old friend of sexually molesting her after they had a drinking session in barangay Paknaan, Mandaue City.

The girl, a high school student, said the alleged abuse happened in a lodge in barangay Guizo last Sunday.

The girl said she was invited by her friend to go with him and another friend to a fiesta in Paknaan. There, the group had a drinking session in a videoke bar.

After consuming a few bottles of beer, the girl asked her companions if they can go home already since she was already feeling dizzy and sleepy, said PO1 Juliet Trogo of the women’s desk of the Police Station 1 of the Mandaue City Police Office (MCPO).

The girl said she asked her friends to bring her home since she could no longer walk straight.

The girl said the last thing she remembered before she fell asleep was they were boarding a tricycle.

According to the girl, she was surprised that she was on top of a bed with her friend beside her when she woke up.

The girl became suspicious when she noticed that there were signs that her bra was removed.

The man, however, denied doing anything wrong.

Upon arriving home, the girl was confronted by her parents for going home late.

The girl was forced to confess that she was brought to a lodge when her parents saw kiss marks in her neck.

The girl was then accompanied by her parents to the police to report the incident. She was brought to a hospital in Cebu City for a medical examination which showed the girl was not raped.

Police said acts of lasciviousness charges will be filed against the girl’s friend.

The man will be arrested once an arrest warrant will be issued against him, police said.