A cut above the rest

Armani’s famous words “I’ve always thought of the T-shirt as the Alpha and Omega of the fashion alphabet” surely made the slip-on garment  every fashionista’s must-have.

One can build an entire outfit around a basic tee. Layer it with a cardigan, tuck it in a ball skirt, pair it with shorts, use it as a dress, shred it, dye it, add studs… the exciting possibilities are endless and you don’t have to blow your budget. You can never go wrong with this style staple.

In this age where one’s fashion is taken as a statement, individuals want to express their identity through clothes. Keeping up with the trend of D.I.Y. -ing (do-it-yourself), homegrown brand
Islands Souvenirs gave everyone a pre-Sinulog treat by setting up a style souk for people to get in touch with their creative side, letting their inner Martha Stewart loose.

Dubbed “Cut and Style your Sinulog Shirt,” the event culminated with a fashion show featuring Adam Saaks, a famous Hollywood T-shirt shredder, who showed how a creative mind and a pair of sharp scissors can go a long way. The audience was in awe as every cut and snip transformed the ordinary T-shirt into a stylish woven cut-out dress.

The country’s top fashion bloggers Kryz Uy and Laureen Uy, who tried their hand at it, came up with nifty creations. They were joined by some of Cebu’s notable personalities, local celebrities and models, who displayed signature styles in their own personalized Islands Souvenirs shirt. Bohemian, ultra femme and grunge were the most popular style choices.

Photos by Dr. Francis Xavier Solis