Dry and thirsty


Humidifiers add moisture to the air to prevent dryness that can cause irritation in many parts of the body. They can also ease some of the symptoms caused by the flu or common cold.

Moisturizers moisten skin and loosens oil that is building up inside the pores.

Petroleum jelly and body lotions also soothe dry skin in all areas of the body and keeps it hydrated all the time.

These are all physical dryness. Thank God for these solutions in the market.

What about spiritual dryness? It’s when we feel empty or weary — our inner tank is running dry.; when we continue to serve even if we feel reluctant or resistant to what we’re doing because we feel we have no choice; when we feel God is not hearing our prayers and He seemed so far away; when our love for Him seems not fresh anymore like before; when negative thoughts fill our mind all the time.

These are signs of spiritual dryness. Don’t worry if you feel you’re guilty of having all these now. I do experience these, too.

It is because our flesh is weak. But it doesn’t mean the spirit should fail, too.

The first thing I’ve learned is that the heartbreaking experience of losing in touch with God is to accept the situation. Tell yourself that you know you’re going through these symptoms and you want to meet it squarely. This attitude puts you in a humble posture that you need God bring back the “moisture” in your spirit for Him.

That brings us to the second point. The drier we feel, the closer we should come to God. Be more intimate, chase Him even more, soak more in prayer and in reading His Word. Never mind if it feels forced. Never mind if we feel nothing by doing these. God will meet us where we are …. and it’s usually in our lowest moment.

You may have heard this popular Christian song written by Martin Nystrom sang in the Holy Mass: As the deer panteth for the water. So my soul longeth after thee. You alone are my heart’s desire. And I long to worship thee. The song is taken from Psalm 42:1 and you can feel the kind of longing that we can have when we are boxed in by the troubles in our lives. Yet, the song gives honor to God who is the best strength and shield we can have; that we continue to long for Him in thirst because that’s how we are all wired – to long for Him … always because He will always be our heart’s desire.
We will continue to be restless, dry and thirsty until we have God present in us.

“Our heart is restless until it rests in you.” These words are taken from one of St. Augustine’s most well-known writings, the Confessions, in which he discusses his long journey towards Christ and his conversion to Christianity.

Even if we have all the wealth in the world, be famous and on top of the world, we can still feel empty, dry and restless because it’s not the things of the world that can satisfy us. Our spirit will long for Holy Spirit to quench our thirst for real joy and peace. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us to connect more with God. He is the Holy Helper, the Paraclete, remember?

When we don’t satisfy the thirst of the Spirit, it becomes dry and the more it becomes hard to hear God, feel God and seek God. But hey, He promised in Matthew 28:20- “I will be with you always, even until the end of time..”. Rest assured then that He is here and now, with us even when you don’t feel Him.

So if you’ve been feeling spiritually dry lately and want that deep spiritual connection with God back, talk to Him… and be sorry. A repentant heart will gain more of God and less of the world .

And then here’s one solution that is a clincher for me.

When I feel abandoned, distraught and empty about how things are going in my life, I fill my heart with gratitude. I put praise and thankful words in my mouth. And I overwhelm my mind with the good things that God has done for me despite my sinfulness.

Viola! God’s mercy and goodness humidifies my soul and moistens my sagging spirit and I feel better. I am assured that God is here to stay no matter what. If I am a crazy being, He’s more crazy with love for me AND you. So, when feeling dry and thirsty, drink on His words and His love.

“Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”~John 4:13-14