Comelec disqualifies 136 barangay and SK candidates


ABOUT 136 candidates were disqualified to run in the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) elections after the Commission on Elections (Comelec) found some discrepancies in their Certificates of Candidacy (COCs).

Comelec Provincial Officer Ferdinand Gujilde said some candidates either failed to meet the age requirements or are not registered voters in their barangay.

“Once ma verify namo, the Comelec mo-disqualify nila,” he said.

Gujilde said they conducted a motu proprio or a decision acted by the Comelec without the need for a petition to disqualify the candidates.

As of Thursday (April 26), some 136 candidates were ordered disqualified.

Based on the Comelec Province record, at least 112 candidates were overaged while four are underaged.

Most of them were running for SK positions which has an age requirement of 18 to 24 years old.

“Duna mi nabantayan nga (We have noticed that they have done it) on purpose ilang giusab ang ilang (changing their) date of birth para makalikay sa (to exclude themselves from) underage, overage prohibition,” said Gujilde.

He added that they verified the candidates’ COCs to their voters registration record.

Aside from those disqualified for incorrect age, around 16 candidates were also found to be unregistered voters, at least three were already deactivated while one was a double registrant.

Apart from disqualification, Gujilde said candidates who have erroneous data may also be facing a case of perjury.

“COC is under oath and then you lied under oath,” he said.


Meanwhile, Governor Hilario Davide said this development is “discouraging” since candidates should be honest especially since they are seeking positions for public office.

“This is very discouraging and also sad that candidates for SK will have to lie about their age just to run for public office,” he said.

They have to be truthful to their personal circumstances, he added

“Bag-o lang gyud nabalik ang SK (The SK has just returned) so you would expect candidates to be truthful. Bati kaayo para nako (It is very disappointing for me),” he said.

There are at least 22,657 candidates gunning for barangay positions and about 16,581 SK bets in the province for the upcoming May 14 elections.