Bell bottoms are back?
I laughed at some of the young grade schoolers wearing pants whose bottoms almost entirely covered their shoes.
I immediately refrained myself from my reckless reaction, after recalling that I too looked funny wearing the same fashionable jeans back in the 70s.
Fashion reboots itself!
There isn’t so much that we can do about it since the subject of fashion, at least physically imposed by nature upon man, does not change a bit from head to toe.
Designers can only do so much on the surface: outlandish lengths, heights, daring cuts (some sadly disdaining all forms of modesty) and colors.
With the tide of relativism sweeping over the world, there prevails the idea that man’s moral core can be subject to the same whims enjoyed by fashion and design.
These same individuals believe that there shouldn’t be imposing absolute standards or norms on man’s freedom which impede him from expressing himself in the most creative and liberating modes.
Those who persist in “wearing” the so-called traditional or churchy “medieval morals” may not be (at least for now) physically attacked.
But pressure is applied so as to trigger inner personal insecurities: to feel one is lagging behind, that he doesn’t groove into the current trends and is generally out-of-place and pace with the rest of the world.
For example, Ireland recently voted to repeal the Eight Amendment of their Constitution.
This amendment once gave equal rights for the fetus and the mother and banned abortion under most circumstances.
By voting against this amendment, many Irish citizens, like most socially liberalized European countries, fell for wearing “bell bottom morals.”
They are building a culture where the foundations for morality are whimsically retailored by consensus, worn and later on disposed of.
Any society that succumbs to fashionable treatment of morality will easily pave its way to destruction.
Ireland’s unfortunate fashionable moral decision now leaves the Vatican and the Philippines as the only states upholding the dignity of the human person –the sacredness of human life– from the moment of conception until death.
Moreover, our country is known for hungrily adapting to the fashionable developments — both good and bad — in western countries.
Even now there are those who are proposing grim fashion morality of the west that are heard in the tune or seen in the color of same-sex unions, divorce, and even euthanasia.
Will we allow ourselves to be fooled into wearing a moral lifestyle disrespectful of the moral core designed by God for man’s perfection and ultimate good?
Will it be a matter of time before our country will also be lured to following the deplorable trend of a “fashionable bell bottom morality?”