Body language


How far will gender equality ideology go in obliterating the biological differences between the sexes?

An article in BBC complained that the female (they actually still acknowledge this gender) body is invaded by labels given by male anatomists.

Moreover, in fields like science and medicine, men have engraved their mark everywhere: animal, plants and places. If there were more female anatomists, explorers, botanists and pioneers, etc., would things be different now?

I cannot understand the logic, or better said: what problem does such an ideology — although ideologies aren’t much of any help in resolving anything — attempt to solve?

Is there anything wrong or oppressive about a male explorer like Columbus or scientists like Gregor Mendel and Louis Pasteur who simply named what they discovered?

It is unthinkable that their expeditions and research had a male agenda, or if they somehow connived so that in a distant future there won’t be anything left for female scientists and explorers to name except some remote star or microscopic bug?

Although it seems that the past was a male “dominated” world, I don’t think it is fair to impose our sentiments today (especially ideological ones) on the intentions of these scientist and explorers.

True, there have been abuses on the woman’s identity and role in society, but this did not prevent woman from a mission she had to play that was uniquely prized as her own.

And what do we achieve by renaming everything that poises as an aggression of the male species upon the female?

For example, our country’s name is taken from King Philip.

Will this mean moving mountains to change something that history has taken to be a natural initiative honoring one’s king?

The consequences of such an ideology will be ridiculous and unproductive.

How would we live, stretching this ideology further, if we apply this language-change campaign to the name of colors, scents and sound?

And if we manage to literally rename everything by and after the female sex, what practical consequences will this have in my personal life and

I am inclined to think that those espousing such a narrow vision of the human person are not aware of the complementary dignity of both man and woman.

Each one has a role to play for the good and perfection of the other.

Those who “feminize” everything are only playing a trivial renaming game.

They do not perceive that woman is already endowed by a unique identity and mission

This is not established by simply renaming things.

It stems from something deeper!

Woman was created to be best in, by and for herself.

To neglect this would endanger her peculiar and enriching role within the family and society.