Heart of the Mater


August 15 celebrates the solemnity of the Assumption.

As a feast in the middle of August, it conveys so much about our Lady’s love for each of us.

First, it commemorates her assumption to Heaven in both body and soul.

Second, when referring to the ‘center’ of something, we often associated it with the heart.

Combining these two ideas, we can ponder on what would be in the heart of our Mater on the Assumption.

I would like to think that her most profound sentiments turn to her every daughter and son here on earth. And as mother, there is nothing else that she desires than our happiness.

This happiness, however, is connected to her assumption to heaven.

On the part of God, the feast commemorates His desire to reward our Lady for her fidelity — from the Annunciation up to Calvary — by already having her with Him in Heaven.

It is only fitting, that our Lord would want his mother (body and soul) with Him without having to wait for the end of time.

On Mary’s part, it may also express a hurry to be in heaven.

But this haste is not out of any personal gain or triumph, but more similar to her joyful servitude when she visited her cousin Elisabeth.

Thus, by being in heaven immediately after her earthly term, she will not only intercede for all her children, but because she is in heaven in body and soul, can simultaneously accompany us in this valley of tears.

In heaven, Mary’s sentiments for us arise from a truly human heart.

One can, thus, refer to motherly heart of flesh loving us, comforting us and suffering when we choose turns, and make twists that do not lead us straight to heaven.

But since her human heart is also intimately united to that of her son, then her heart is capable of embracing a love that is beyond words to describe.

Like Jesus, though not in an infinite way, her heavenly heart can discern and experience what all of us are going through.

Perhaps, there is no mother’s heart like her that can experience her children’s joy and happiness.

Likewise, no other heart, could experience so much agony and pain, when her children sin and eternally lose their way to heaven.

Thus, let us have constant recourse to the heart of this Mater.

And as her good children, to the extent possible, may we strive to filially give her our joy with our love, consoling her pierced heart as she accompanies Jesus on Calvary.
