P10 fare rate for PUVs

Bus passengers will have to pay a minimum P10 if operators secure approval for their fare rate bid.

Commuters in Cebu may soon have to pay at least P10 for their ride to school, work and home.

That is if public utility vehicle (PUV) operators secure approval for their fare rate hike petitions from the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB).

The Cebu Provincial Bus and Mini-Bus Operators Cooperative (CPBMBOC) which is comprised of over 50 operators said they will file a petition for a P10 minimum fare rate at the LTFRB regional office anytime today.

“We’re hoping for LTFRB-7 to heed our petition because the recent oil price hike has affected our operations, especially that some of our members are planning to upgrade their units,” CPBMBOC president Julieto Flores said.

CPBMBOC is charging their passengers a P6 minimum fare rate since February this year after they ended their agreement with the province to keep their minimum fare at P5.

At the time, oil prices went up due to the Tax Reform Acceleration and Inclusion (Train) law that imposed higher excise tax on fuel products.
CPBMBOC is the second transport group in Cebu to file a petition for a fare rate hike.

The Basak Lapu-Lapu City Jeepney Operators and Drivers Association, Inc., (BALACJODA) petitioned for a provisional fare increase of at least P2 for all passenger jeepneys and tricycles in Cebu last September 10.

LTFRB Regional Director, Eduardo Montealto Jr. said they will conduct a dialogue on the fare rate increase petitions with all stakeholders before their central office decides on them.