Childlink celebrates Family Day 2018

Childlink Learning Center celebrates their annual Family Day bearing this year’s Let’s Go Latino theme— “Linkers: Energized, Empowered, Emboldened” held at SM Seaside Cebu City.

This year, Childlink’s aim is to highlight 4 core values that all students should possess: empathy, self-control, integrity, and embracing diversity.

We highly emphasized these 4 values intended for the students for them to realize the importance of these and eventually embody the spirit of grit,” Childlink Learning Center Directress Theresa Tio said.

To fully represent the student’s morals, Linkers were divided into separate teams and used 4 animals that metaphorically imitate the core values.

Bear represents empathy, lion for self-control, dog for integrity, and dolphin for embracing diversity.

One of the main highlight in the event was when the students showcased their grooving talents through Team Cheering and dancing of Latin themed music.

I believe that encouraging students to practice their learned values will eventually aid them to surpass challenges both being an individual and as a student,” Dir. Tio added.

To further practice these ideals; Linkers extend their helping hands to the community through constant community extension services such as organizing puppet shows that teaches their chosen beneficiaries the proper way of handwashing and brushing of teeth.

Also, Childlink never stops to extend their helping hands to communities in sharing their knowledge towards the betterment of their chosen beneficiaries.

The event ended with Linkers showing genuine sportsmanship, wisdom, and epitomizing the 4 values which will serve as their foundation to always become the best version of themselves morally, spiritually, and mentally.