Photo by Junjie Mendoza
The plan to already open the side roads of the Mambaling underpass was postponed to Monday.
Councilor Dave Tumulak said that WT Construction, the contractor of the P638 million underpass project, said that the side roads still cannot be used because its cement are still wet.
The side roads of the Mambaling underpass project were supposed to be open on Saturday.
“Due to the bad weather Cebu City has experienced in the past few days, the contractor told us that they’re not finished with the roads curing yet,” said Tumulak.
Tumulak is asking Cebuano commuters and motorist to extend their patience a little more and wait for Monday’s opening of the underpass project’s side roads.
“We already asked the contractor to ensure that the side roads will be opened this Monday,” Tumulak added.