Panel junks Dumanjug mayor’s plea on admin case

Dumanjug Vice Mayor Guntrano Gica (second from right) accompanied by his father, Edgar Gica (right) as his lawyer gives way to Mayor Nelson Garcia at the Capitol. (CDN Photo/Junjie Mendoza)

The committee on complaints and investigation of the Cebu Provincial Board (PB) denied Dumanjug Mayor Nelson Garcia’s request to dismiss the administrative complaints filed against him by Vice Mayor Efren Guntrano Gica.

In an order released Monday, the committee set aside Garcia’s motion to dismiss saying it will “deny the respondent’s motion to defer further proceedings” of the complaint. The PB also endorsed the committee resolution.

PB Member Arleigh Sitoy said they acted on Garcia’s motion since the mayor insisted that no investigation could be scheduled before the PB resolves his request for dismissal.

“The committee ruled that a prima facie case exists against the respondent to warrant a formal administrative proceeding against him,” said Sitoy, who heads the committee on complaints and investigation. The next schedule of hearings for the complaint will continue under the committee, Sitoy said.

Cebu Daily News tried but was unable to reach Garcia for his side on the case.

During the preliminary hearing last week, Garcia said the PB board en banc should decide on his motion for dismissal and not the committee on complaints and investigation alone headed by Sitoy.

Gica filed an administrative case against Garcia last year for allegedly appointing a secretary to the municipal council which he insisted is a power designated under the vice mayor.

Garcia allegedly released a memorandum designating Emmylou Cabonilas to take over in an acting capacity the post vacated by Victor Tan Jr, who resigned last June 26.