PH is ‘most tweeting country’ during Miss Universe coronation

Manila— The Philippines topped the list of most tweeting countries during the Miss Universe 2018 coronation ceremony with nearly six million tweets generated, Twitter said on Tuesday.

The most tweeting countries next to the Philippines were Thailand, United States, Brazil, and Venezuela. Twitter said the pageant drew nearly six million tweets, with 1.4 million tweets per minute during its peak at 9 a.m.

According to the social media platform’s data, eight million viewers on Twitter watched Catriona Gray’s crowning moment as she brought home the fourth Miss Universe crown to the Philippines.

Tamaryn Green of South Africa finished 1st runner-up, while Sthefany Gutiérrez of Venezuela finished 2nd runner-up.

The Miss Universe 2018 coronation ceremony was held on Monday, Dec. 17, at the Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand