Traffic preparations set; CCTO ready for Fiesta Señor novena

The Cebu City Traffic Office has put in place their preparations for traffic around the  Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño as hundreds of devotees are expected to attend the novena Masses at the basilica’s pilgrim’s center, a crowd similar to this January 2018 novena Mass photo. (CDN file photo)

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Traffic preparations are in place and the Cebu City Transportation Office (CCTO) is ready for the start of the nine-day novena of the Fiesta Señor. 

The CCTO also reminded motorists who would want to participate in the series of Holy Masses at the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño to park their vehicles in designated areas otherwise these would be clamped down. 

Francisco Ouano, CCTO operations officer, said they had designated portions of Legaspi Street and the space surrounding Compania Maritima Building as parking areas for motorists would who want to visit the Basilica. 

“Any vehicles caught parking in non-designated areas will be clamped. But we must remind our drivers that this still applies to other areas in the city,” Ouano said. 

The CCTO will be deploying at least 30 traffic enforcers to manage both foot and vehicle traffic in downtown Cebu City where the Basilica is located. 

The novena Masses will officially start tomorrow, Thursday (January 10), and the Cebu City Council has approved a resolution closing Osmeña Boulevard, D. Jakosalem Street and P. Burgos Street from traffic to give way for pedestrians who will flock to the Basilica./dbs