Five gift ideas for Dad on his special day

CEBU CITY, Philippines — This Sunday, we will celebrate the special day of the men who raised us — our Dads!

But wait. . .did you already prepare the gift for him? Don’t tell me you’ll give more boring hankies to him just like what you did last year?

If you’re scratching your head now on what to give to your dad, no worries! We’ve got you covered. Consider reading this little gift guide to make your superdads’ June 18 a memorable one!

1. Workout tank — If your father is gym-goer. A workout tank is probably one of the suitable gifts for him this Father’s Day! Not to mention the reaction of your dad when he knows that you care about his hobby. That would probably make him want to hit the gym more. You can pair it with gym shorts too!

2. Leather wallet — A wallet is one of the things that is also important to men. If you are thinking about buying a gift for your pops, consider changing his old ripped wallet. Putting some cash inside will  make it more special, too!

3. Beard trimming and grooming kit — When was the last time you’ve seen your dad having a good shave? Hmm. . .he probably forget doing his solid grooming routine due to its hectic schedule. If that’s the case, surprising him with a beard trimming and grooming kit is definitely a treat!

4. Loud portable speaker — If your dad loves to listen to his favorite band, The Beatles, then that’s the answer to your problem!

Pick a sturdy portable speaker and wrap it with love. You can also use that speaker in case you have a dance off with your dad this Father’s Day!

5.  Watch — Another alternative thing to buy for your dad’s day is. . . .of course, a watch!

And you don’t need to be buy an expensive one, as long as it is from the heart and it suits him perfectly.

Now, did you make up your mind?

Hurry! Decide and rush to a near mall to buy that gift for your dad!/dbs