Tom Holland, Hannibal Buress appear in “FFXIV: Shadowbringers” expansion ad

Screenshot from FINAL FANTASY XIV official Youtube channel

CEBU CITY, Philippines – A promotional ad for the “Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers” features Spider-Man star and comedian Hannibal Burress on Tuesday, June 18.

The ad is part of the announcement of the third major update of the game which will be out on July 2, 2019.

In the one-min video, Burres wanted to play Final Fantasy XIV with Spider-Man himself, British actor Tom Holland, however, Holland was too busy with his training to become the Warrior of Darkness.

The video ad also features Holland swinging a Dark Knight sword with Burress who kept convincing him to play the game.

The Warrior of Darkness is the highlight of the game’s new expansion that assigns players to become “warriors” in order to save the Final Fanstasy XIV world from its enemies.

Final Fantasy XIV game is playable in Playstation 4, Windows, PC, and Mac. / celr