Lines you should never say to your girlfriend

CEBU CITY, Philippines—Men, a word of advice.

When talking to your girlfriend, be sensitive. Listen to them, don’t just hear them out.

They might be tough on the outside and can handle a lot on their plates, but girlfriends can go cold for days because of insensitive words we uttered even if we don’t really mean it.

To ensure a good and healthy relationship and to avoid instigating World War 3, here are some lines you should NEVER say to your girlfriend.

“You don’t understand.” 

On the contrary, they do. They understand a lot. Your girlfriend doesn’t just absorb everything you say; she often digs deeper to understand you to make the relationship work. So don’t be a one-sided fool and erase that phrase from your vocabulary..

“You are too needy. “

This is an outright insult to your girlfriend. Saying that she needs you too much would make her think that maybe she’s in a relationship where the other one just wants to have someone for companionship and not someone whom you can share your ups and downs with. If she’s going through a lot right now, just hold her hand. It makes all the difference.

“She looks good lately.”

Do you really want to die in a firing squad that is your girlfriend’s killer stare? What you think is a mindless and harmless comment can make your girlfriend feel that you’re attracted to another woman. Do not give your girlfriend a reason to be jealous.

“What is it this time?”

You sound uncaring and impatient, dude. Cut it out! You sound like you never want to be with her or to listen to her. How about: How can I be of help?

“I’ve never thought about settling down.”

Why be in a relationship with her when you’re just in for the thrill. You’re worse when you utter that line to her. If you’ve never considered her to be your future better half then stop talking and break it up asap. Don’t let the girl suffer.

A relationship involves several sacrifices. There are times when you just have to bite your tongue and refrain from saying anything. Bite your tongue, keep quiet and you’ll be on your way in maintaining world peace with your… girlfriend!