More mental health experts needed

THE Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA) Cebu chapter is inviting more mental health experts to conduct stress debriefing for typhoon victims in northern Cebu and other affected families in eastern Visayas.

“The reactions that we see from the victims are normal but the situation that they experienced is not normal,” Dr. Glenda Basubas, PHMA- Cebu president, said.

Dr. Basubas said the Oct. 15 earthquake and the devastation caused by supertyphoon “Yolanda” subjected affected Cebuano families to high amounts of stress.

She said these twin catastrophes are especially stressful to six-year-olds who understand what’s happening to them.

Dr. Basubas said the children will undergo play therapy to ventilate their emotions.

“If they are classified into high risk cases there will be a follow up counseling,” she added.