Overheated fan sparks fire

An overheated electric fan was the cause a fire which razed a two-story house in a subdivision in barangay Suba-masulog, Lapu-Lapu City.

The Lapu-Lapu City Fire Department received the alarm at 8:35 p.m. last Thursday.

The fire originated from the second floor where the electric fan was used. It spread to the adjacent rooms and also burned the ground floor.

No one was hurt.

The house located in Genesis Subdivision is owned by Stanley Aguire.

SFO3 Jovani Donosos said house helper Jane Chavez disclosed that the electric fan had been in use since Thursday morning.

Chavez and Aguire’s child immediately ran outside when they noticed the fire from the second floor. They were unable to save any of Aguire’s belongings in their rush to escape the blaze.

Damage was pegged at P40,000 pesos.

A police checkpoint in barangay Maribago, Lapu-Lapu City netted a 33-year-old man who had in his possession an unlicensed firearm and illegal drugs.

George Barangga, 33, a resident of sitio Locatha in barangay Looc is now detained at the Lapu-Lapu City Headquarters detention cell pending the filing of appropriate charges against him at the Prosecutor’s office.

The police team headed by Chief Insp. Conrado Manatad flagged down Barangga around 11 p.m. for driving without a helmet. But when he stopped, the policemen found in his possession the unlicensed caliber .45 pistol with six live bullets and a sachet of crystalline power believed to be shabu or methamphetamine hydrochloride.

Police are still checking Barangga’s background for possible involvement in any criminal activity. The seized gun will be subjected to a ballistics tests to determine if it was used in a prior crime.