Coffee keeps me going!

A cup of coffee to boost your fighting spirit for the day!

CEBU CITY, Philippines— What keeps you going?

Many of us are fuelled by our dreams, family and the will to be better in the future.

But for sure there is this one thing that helps in pushing us to reach that end in mind.

For what really somewhat keeps them going is simple — coffee.

Sitting for a number of hours in the office, pounding on your keyboard and feeling like your brain is all fried up!

Take it easy and have a sip of coffee to put things back in place.

Espresso— this one will surely have you working for hours! This coffee has that extra kick of everything. Drinking this once a day can help you focus on work without getting that drowsy feeling. They say this coffee is the best for bosses or leaders who are always on top of everything.

Caramel Macchiato  if you are in for something bittersweet, then this coffee is the right fit for you. This is a coffee for those who are in for some sweetness but still looking for that slight kick of bitterness. Perfect for lovely ladies who are into writing, a sip of a grande sized caramel macchiato will help you meet all those deadlines.

Regular black coffee— this is best to start your day with a piece of bread just for a quick bite for breakfast. This coffee is mostly associated with those in a minimalistic lifestyle. Those who are always in for some classic taste.

Cappuccino— if you are in for something creamy and milky, then this is for you. Perfect for some afternoon session at the office with your colleagues. The milk foam that adds extra rich texture is the best thing about this kind of coffee, not to mention the chocolate powder you can top it with.

Latte— if you are not looking for a strong coffee to help you through the day, this slightly less strong but still has that bitter kind of taste, then latte is the coffee for you. By adding a little flavor to it like vanilla, chocolate, and hazelnut and so much more.

So if you need a little boost and a little more energy to get you by, take a break and go get yourself some coffee, you deserve it! /dbs