Things you should or should not do in getting a tattoo

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Getting a tattoo these days are becoming a thing.

From small meaningful pieces down to those big full sleeve portraits, you name it, you can get it.

Tattoo artists play a very vital role in making your designs the best version of it, so why don’t you help them out and not try to annoy them.

Yep, they, too, are humans, it may look easy to be buzzing on someone’s skin, but, mind you, it takes a lot of preparation and concentration.

Here are things you should not and should do if you plan on getting a tattoo:

COME PREPARED— this is the first thing you should always do before getting a tattoo. Be sure of the design that you want to get — the size of it and the look of it. Don’t go to the shop on a busy day asking your artists to change some of the details of the design on the spot. They can do that, but hey! You can also give them a heads up too, so as not to keep the other clients waiting.

SORRY, I CAN’T MAKE IT— say this at least a day before your schedule so the artist can book someone else to take your spot, that’s all right. But what’s not all right is saying this an hour before your schedule when everything is already set, and schedules are already made. Getting a tattoo is cool but bailing out on the 11th hour is not cool.

CAN I BRING MY FRIEND(S)— sure! Let them tag along, maybe two to three friends can already make you feel a lot confident and relaxed in getting your tattoo. But if you plan to bring the entire squad of 15, darling, think of the shop as a doctor’s appointment, not a bar. If the shop gets too crowded the other artists will have a hard time moving around, and other clients might get a little stressed out too. So, tag a friend or two, not the entire squad.

IS IT DONE?— don’t say this five minutes after your artists just started, unless you’re just getting a small dot on your skin. The artistry of getting a tattoo is not just the mere tracing of the figures and filling it in, but rather the things that the artists would like to do to make this piece yours to keep forever. Give them time and prepare yourself that getting a tattoo hurts, and that no matter how small it is, it takes time. Don’t rush your artists into finishing the piece in a snap. Take a chill pill before getting a tattoo.

STAY STILL— one wrong move and the entire piece can go from getting a star to a heart real quick. Artists would appreciate it if you would tell them that you are about to sneeze or maybe want to change position before you start moving. Also, keep it steady, mister, don’t move too much, you might annoy your artist and ruin their mood in doing a great piece.

THAT’S TOO EXPENSIVE— then, by all means, look for another artist who would do it for a lesser price. Artists take a lot of time and effort in doing the pieces you like, but saying that it’s too expensive when in reality it’s not, that will really hurt their feelings especially since they can glean that that you just want a certain price for that piece — a piece that would take them hours to do and would use a lot of effort and energy. Tattoo shops will really put a price on it especially if they know that they can deliver, and that all the things they use are safe, clean and that you are in the right hands. After all, that’s a forever thing we are talking about.

Tattoo artists are so underrated, a lot of people think that what they do is as easy as counting from one to three, well, you’re wrong. Every day they get asked to do what seems to be impossible.

Getting a tattoo requires commitment and understanding — understanding that doing a tattoo piece is not as easy as you think. So cooperate, and maybe, your artist may just give you a discount for being a good client.

And oh! Does your mom know that you are planning on getting a tattoo? /dbs