Sitoy: No politics involved in Garcia case

Cebu Provincial Board (PB) Member Arleigh Sitoy said rules were followed and merits of the case were carefully weighed before the board recommended the 60-day preventive suspension of Dumanjug Mayor Nelson Garcia.

“It is not true that the committee was influenced by the vice governor or the governor in coming up with the recommendation,” he todl reporters.

Sitoy, who heads the Committee on Complaints and Investigation, said they found “strong and sufficient evidence of guilt” on part of the Garcia based on the complaint filed by Vice Mayor Guntrano Gica, a member of the ruling Liberal Party.

“We followed procedures to the hilt. It was actually the respondent who did not follow rules because they filed a motion to dismiss. That is not in our rules so we treated it as an answer. The motion to reconsider was also denied,” said Sitoy.

The Dumanjug mayor has filed a motion of reconsideration yesterday.

However, Sitoy remained adamant that the mayor committed usurpation when he signed the designation of the municipal secretary.

“It’s a strong case because there is proof that he signed the document,” said Sitoy.

Sitoy said Garcia disregarded the vice mayor’s intent to appoint a new secretary – an indication of “malice”.