A picture that shows friendship at its best

This is a good example of keeping the right ones. /Contributed Photo: Rudolf Pascua, Jr.

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Friends are one of the strongest backbones we have in our lives.

We have friends who are always there when we need a shoulder to lean on and when we need someone to celebrate with us in times of triumph.

But sometimes it’s not all the time that we meet that one friend of ours that would standby us no matter what.

In this picture, it is seen that you don’t need a lot of friends to get you by.

Rudolfo Pascua, Jr., 22, and a teacher in Davao City caught a very rare moment between two elderly best friends who took turns in getting their picture taken while eating in a mall.

It was on August 17 when Pascua’s attention was caught by the two elderly men, who were sitting across each other, eating and all of a sudden started taking pictures of each other.

“My heart melted seeing them taking photos of each other. I realized how beautiful life is when you keep real ones in your life,” said Pascua.

He posted the photo on his Twitter account on the exact day that it happened and tweeted,  “I don’t know who these people were but I wish me and my friends will be like them in the future.”

The tweet garnered 602 comments, 50,500 retweets, and 97,500 likes as of August 25 at 9:10 a.m.

This just goes to show that keeping your circle small is not a bad thing, but rather, it teaches you to look at and treasure the people who will always be there for you, until the end.

Thank you, to these cool lolo’s for teaching us a valuable lesson of friendship. /dbs