Choi City is Cohen-friendly restaurant

GOING on a diet to get fit could be very tough. One must follow a strict food plan or exercise regularly. Which ever way you choose to loose the extra weight is an ordeal.

When you are on a strict diet program one can’t have the simple joy of eating out. Every time you eat you have to count the amount of calories and carbo that goes in. Cooking for these meals also become tedious.

Choi City Seafood Restaurant in BTC is one with people on a diet. Yes, Choi City Seafood Restaurant which serves the best Chinese food in town is serving diet-friendly meals.

According to Jay Tan, managing director of Choi City he himself is under a strict diet regimen the Cohen Lifestyle Program. Cohen is a personalized eating plan according to one’s blood type.

Tan understands what it is like to be going to gatherings and not able to eat.

Choi City Seafood Restaurant now offers meals especially for those under Cohen program. All they have to do is present their program and Choi City’s chef will prepare the meals.

This is perfect for those who don’t have to time to prepare meals at home or those who still want to enjoy eating out.

“We want to make sure you will enjoy your food.” said Tan. You can order meals for lunch and dinner, you can have it for take out or enjoy it while dinning in with family and friends.

The ingredients of the prepared meals will comply to the personalized diet plan, and you can have the chef prepare it according to how you want it.

“We take time to prepare the food for you”. Tan added.

Choi City Seafood Restaurant is one of the first, if not the first Cohen-friendly restaurant in Cebu.

When on a strict diet one would need a support system like family and friends, and Choi City would want to be part of it.

With their offering of Cohen-friendly dishes, those who are undergoing this lifestyle program wouldn’t have to worry about tedious preparation of food.

Some of the Cohen-friendly dishes Choi City is offering include Creamy Mushroom Chicken, Mince Chicken on Lettuce, Beef CabbageRolls, and a lot more.

For inquiries and reservations, call 239-0999. (Leslee Morales)