Mom-cation and why your precious mothers need it

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Mothers are the light of our homes.

They are often the bright spot that gives us the clearer version of things.

They can find almost everything from misplaced keys and missing pair of shoes to a tired soul who does not want to go to school anymore.

Mothers know what to do and what to say most of the time.

But have we ever stopped and thought how exhausting motherhood can be for our mothers?

Imagine all the chores she need to do to take care of husband and children! She cooks, cleans, changes clothes, washes clothes, makes sure the kids are ready for school, sweeps the floor… the list is endless.

Noting all the chores that needed to be done in the house, mothers do need to go on a vacation sans husbands and children.

Mom, here’s why you should go and take a quick vacation:

Time to think. Mothers are not just the heart that often beats for our homes; they are also the brain. They plan and they can make it happen especially with all the grocery shopping that needs to be done. But they also run out of ideas as to what they can do next to better the family’s disposition. So let them relax and go on a mom-cation!

Time to recharge.  Nothing’s more rewarding than giving a mother the time to just be with herself. The exhausting feeling of looking out for everyone can be so draining especially running and screaming children. Give them time to stay away from the chaos at home. Let them enjoy some fresh air for them to feel rejuvenated.

Reconnect with friends. A woman may be a mother but that’s not the only identity that defines her. She is also a daughter, traveller, best friend and girl friend.  She needs time to be with her girlfriends and let them catch up on each other. Let your Mom talk non-stop with her friends. Let her share her ups and downs to her friends.

See things from a different perspective. Many mothers are overwhelmed with chores and tasks in and out of the home. No wonder they are exhausted. It’s always best to take a step back and watch everything from afar. Your mother need to stay away from Dad and children so she can gain a whole new perspective of things. You will be surprised how much more love she can give when she spends time away from your family.

Freedom from greasy pans! Let her live her dreams! Go out! Book a room for her for a staycation and let her order room service. Or she can go out and and take up cooking classss. Whatever her fancy, support her! Just make sure that she left the greasy pans at home.

Mothers are human beings who badly need vacation and time off from a job that does not pay them overtime.

If you have the means to take her on a trip or book her an ultimate staycation package at a hotel, give her that.

She deserves it! / celr