CEBU CITY, Philippines – Sweet potato locally known as camote is a sweet-tasting starchy tuberous crop. This can be eaten whole or peeled.  Even the leaves are edible too.

This root crop is popular in both urban and rural barangays in Cebu because it is cheap, easy to prepare and very nutritious.

Because of its low sugar content, Pinoyrecipe.net says that sweet potatoes is best for people with diabetes.  It is also a good source of magnesium for the heart muscles while its aroma helps decongest the nose and the lungs for those with asthma.

Sweet potato can be eaten boiled or prepared with caramelized brown sugar.

At the satellite market in Barangay Mabolo, Cebu City, a kilo of camote is sold at P50. So, what are you waiting for? Mangumpra na ta! | dcb