Why being patient can be good for everybody

CEBU CITY, Philippines— In today’s world where almost everything is moving in a fast pace, it’s hard to be more patient, hold ourselves back and not to be hasty with the things we want to achieve.

Being impatient gets into us and tends to make us feel that what we are doing is not enough or gives us the feeling of being stuck in a rut.

Patience is indeed a virtue, a good virtue for us to practice. Here’s why:

Helps you think— being patient gives you the time to think things through. It gives you that certain reassurance of doing things right. Stay on your pace, think of it as part of every process.

Keeps you healthy— if you keep your mind and heart on the right levels, you think clearly and breathe easily. Being patient allows you to rest and recharge for another round of surpassing your battles. It won’t allow you to just work and work and work. Being patient tells us that there’s another day to be great again, it’s okay to rest now and strive again the next time.

Put’s everything in order— notice when you get so horribly excited about something and end up messing it up? This is because we try and push things to work rather than wait for the right moment for us to make it work. If we tend to just keep on pushing it and trying to make it work, it will usually result into a big mess. So, settle down, plan it out then execute.

No time wasted— yeah, that’s right. When you try and rush things it often results into a mess, and you’d have to do it again, and restart. And that’s something we don’t want to do, we want to do it right the first time to save time and energy. To be impatient can lead to more work and more time wasted because of some hasty decision-making.

Makes you feel a lot better— the less you assume on things the greater impact, it will give you. The less we think fast is awesome. The more we feel that slowly but surely is still the best way to do things. It makes you happy just by thinking that you did great because you did it by keeping your own pace. You did great because you were not pushing it to the limit and resulting to failure. You did great because you kept your patience with you.

To keep it plain and simple, let’s go with this reminder that great things really come to those who wait. /dbs