Elderly Briton arrested for molesting 3 kids

A 73-year-old British national was arrested for allegedly molesting three children.
Two of the victims are five years old while the other is nine years of age. All three are residents of sitio Camagayan, barangay Perelos, Carcar City.

PO3 Jerson Ancampo of the Carcar City Police Office identified the suspect as Stanley James Lamb.

Lamb is renting the house owned by the parents of his nine-year-old victim.

Initial investigation conducted by the Women’s and Protection Desk led by PO2 Camia Codo revealed that the two children told their nanny about what happened to them.

Codo said the children were molested last year but made the revelation only last Sunday when the suspect allegedly touched them inside his rented house.

The suspect reportedly invited the children to his house to watch cartoons. Once inside, the suspect allegedly molested them.

Lamb used to own a big house but started renting his present quarters after he separated from his wife.

The victims’ parents did not know about the incident, although they noticed their children’s private parts had become swollen. They initially thought the children had rashes.
PO3 Ancampo said Lamb did not resist arrest.

The suspect went with the officers to the police station where he denied the allegation.
A case was filed against him yesterday.