Why you should first focus on career over romance

CEBU CITY, Philippines — You see this on social media: single people literally screaming to the world that they want to have a love life!

Unfortunately, having a real special someone (not one that you can just rent in exchange for money) is no easy feat.

You have to go on dates, put your best foot forward, and observe.

Does she like me?

Is he annoyed by my laugh?

Are we going to have a second date? 

All these questions are swimming in your head.

But there’s a portion of this younger population who would rather focus on building their careers than falling into the “date trap.”

CDN Digital listed down the reasons why it is wise to focus on your career before engaging in romantic relationships.

Build yourself. Before you commit to be in a relationship, make sure you are mature enough to love and understand another person. It is easy to get pressured to be in a relationship because of the sweet photos you see online or the endearing words that lovers tell each other. But remember that being in a relationship is not just about the good times, there are challenges in a relationship too that you should be able to address.

Focus on you. Focusing on your career means that you can also focus on earning money so you can do what you need and what you want. What are the places you like to travel on your own or with your friends. What are your dreams for yourself and for your family? Focusing on YOU first is not a bad thing. Rather, it will give you control in the future especially when the relationship you think is perfect turns out to be not what you expected.

Meet other people. Your work will allow you to meet other people whether online or offline. Some of these people will bring more meaning to your life. They can positively influence you or they can hurt you. Either way, if you choose to turn every situation into a learning adventure, then it will work to your advantage. Some of these people will become your friends, confidant and trusted advisers. It is always a good decision to go out there and mingle.

Sense of accomplishment. While it is true that life is not all about work, admit it, you do feel a different sense of accomplishment when you get promoted or when you wrap up a successful campaign! By being on top of your game, you develop confidence and trust in yourself which makes you ready to face the bigger world.

Save for what matters. Rather than spending your on dates, you can set aside the money for an exciting trip or a worthwhile investments. More savings means you can do more things, go to different places, and just live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Hey, we’re not saying you wallow in work and forget about being in the dating pool.

We’re just here to tell you this: before you get used to having a plus one, try to be comfortable in the gift of being alone first.

Not all people who are alone are lonely. / celr