Why big sisters rock!

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Have you ever wondered how blessed you are to have a big sister?

Yes! You are beyond blessed to have your big sister be your one-call-away friend and your enemy at the same time.

Most of the time we get pissed at each other because we see our big sister wearing our favorite top or seeing them having the best time with their friends while you are just their hanging around in your house.

But, behind all those “shortcomings,” your big sister is the real MVP.

Read on.

Hero— she will always be behind you no matter what. You can never hide anything from her. She knows you and knows what you are going through. She will fight your battles for you and with you.

Truest friend— you may not like what she tells you all the time, but those are the things you needed to hear. Things that can make you realize your mistakes and all. She will reassure you that you are beautiful in that red dress or tell you that you look like an apple and will have to change into something better.

Understanding defender — she will speak for you and defend you even to your parents. She understands the things you have done good or bad and will help you fix everything. She will be behind you in explaining things to your parents and even to others.

Generous benefactor — no matter how little she is earning once you tell her you like that shoes on that shelf in the store, she will move mountains just to give you those shoes for your birthday or for any special occasion. She will of course rant a little but would then soon give in.

Shock absorber— having a big sister is really cheaper than going to therapy. She listens, and at times scolds you too, but rest assured that she is on your side and will do anything in her capability to make you feel a lot better.

Big sisters are one of the many beautiful gifts from God.

They will give whatever they can just to make their family happy, especially their younger siblings.

Always remember to say you appreciate them big time! /dbs