The little things do matter. Here’s why

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Small things matter the most.

Because with these small things or acts you do in a relationship show much you really care.

Yes, we still love to be taken on a trip or maybe a sweet dinner date, but nothing can compare to those cute little things that can perk up your day.

Eyes here lads! These are the most and hassle-free things you can do to your girl.

Love notes. Rmember back in the day when you want to say something to your crush from another room, you write cute little notes? Well, do this again, do it once in a while, slip it inside her wallet or on a page of her current favorite book.

Send them gifts.  No jewelry, bags, or anything lavish. Send them that thing because it reminds you of her. Send her her favorite coffee or maybe her go-to milk tea. She’ll love it to bits!

Listen. Most of the time we tend to just zone out the things our partners say, well, because girls really do talk a lot. But listen to the things that excite them. Learn to actually listen to what they really love.

Good night or good morning texts. Start and end the day on the right note. This will really jumpstart your partner’s day no matter the weather. Receiving these messages will make the day a whole lot better.

Be supportive. You don’t really have to go and scream your heart out to be supportive. Sometimes all that a girl wants is for you to just be there. That’s enough support for her. The thing about supporting and being there for your partner boosts their confidence and makes them do things a lot better. Also, that’s added pogi points for you.

Being in love is such a beautiful thing. But staying in love is the challenge. Before you ran out of big things to give, check the small ones too, because these little things take a much bigger space in a girl’s heart. /elb