Be joyful; rise to a new life’— Palma

“Do not lose hope. Rise up.”

Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma made this call as Catholics in the Philippines and around the world celebrate today the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

In his Easter message, the 63-year-old prelate urged the faithful to echo the joy the risen Christ brings to the world amid the difficulties and sufferings they encounter each day.

“A true disciple of Christ patiently waits for the victory which resurrection brings. I hope we will always be joyful in our journey until we come to God’s kingdom,” he said.

“Easter time is a particular season of great joy and thanksgiving for our redemption…. Let us leave the grave of sin behind and live a new life of grace,” said Palma in his official message, where he also reminded the faithul to observe “our Easter duty”, which is to receive Holy Communion in a state of grace at least once a year during the 50-day season of Easter.

Palma, in a talk with reporters, also said everyone, especially those who are suffering, to keep in sight the victory of Jesus.

“Jesus’ life did not culminate in Good Friday. His death on the cross did not end it all. His last words were not of death but life. Jesus is risen. Alleluia! The tomb where he was laid was empty.

Jesus is victorious. As they say, nasa kanya ang huling halakhak. (The last laugh belongs to Jesus),” he said.

“The Lord which we follow is victorious. This means that good will triumph over evil; darkness will not withstand the light; and that God’s love will reign,” he added.

In all Masses today, the faithful will renew their baptismal promises, a vow to “reject Satan, his works, and all his empty promises” and to “believe” in the triune God and the teachings of the Church.

The night before, during the Easter vigil Mass, churchgoers witnessed the blessing of “fire and water”, and the service of light when totally dimmed churches were illumined by the light from a large Easter candle.

At dawn, devotees and spectators woke up early to watch the “sugat” or processions depicting the encounter between the risen Christ and his mother, Mary.

Easter Sunday is the first of the 50-day joyful season of Easter which ends with the celebration of Pentecost on June 8.