A volleyball game with a huge twist — literally

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Ball games are not really what most Christmas party games are all about.

Usually, it is the fun table games or the charades kind of games, but this group from General Santos City has a huge twist to the famous volleyball game— literally.

Niño Anarna, 25, an encoder in General Santos City, shared on his Facebook account on December 8, how their company managed to play volleyball with a humungous volleyball ball.

“We had a lot of games and each game I made sure to document it with a video, but I was not expecting for this one to go viral,” adds Anarna.

Watch here:

He also told CDN Digital that it was harder than the normal volleyball game, but it is also much more entertaining too, promoting teamwork to the competing teams.

As of December 15 the video has already been viewed 4,000,000 times, with 202,000 shares, 26,00 comments, 64,000 reactions.

Netizen, Lynne Vatau commented, “the only volley I can play hahah,” while, Shienly Raaging said, “magdula ta ani ron, palit sa kog bola hahah.”

Can you imagine the amount of fun these guys had playing with this huge ball? Truly one of the many reasons why this Yuletide season is one of our most loved seasons of all. /dbs