Things you should be doing this 2020

CEBU CITY, Philippines–The year 2019 has given us a lot of opportunities and missed opportunities as well.

But that’s exactly why we will be bidding goodbye to this year in a couple of days and welcome the new year.

This 2020 let’s consider doing better things for ourselves.

So as we say goodbye to 2019 and say hello to 2020 here are some of the things you can do to make it a better year than this:

Date when you are ready— always keep this in mind, date when you are ready and not when you are lonely. Dating takes time and a whole lot of effort. So save yourself from that premature love and date when you feel like you are ready to meet and be an open book again.

Learn to save— be thrifty. You can still splurge on the things you like once in a while but not every after payday. Please save some cash for future needs. Mantra for 2020? Buy what’s needed.

Surround yourself with people full of ideas— be mature and look for a circle where they talk about ideas and not people. Engage in real conversations, exchange ideas and grow. Stop with the “pangkalye” talks and start talking about growth.

Be brave— stop being such a scaredy-cat! Go out! Take risks but also remember that as you try to be brave you can also experience setbacks and don’t let it be a hindrance for you. Sometimes, being brave is not just about standing strong but also opening our minds to understanding the whys in our lives.

Apologize— be the bigger person and know that you have done something wrong. Own up to it. Don’t just shrug it off and forget about it, own up to your mistakes. A simple and sincere apology might not be that big to fix broken relationships but at least you made the move of saying sorry.

This 2020 let’s all try to be mature and healthy, both physically and mentally.

It is another year of chances, opportunities, and mistakes for us to be able to learn and grow.

Say it with us, 2020 will be our year! /dbs