Online trends on the last day of 2019

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Social media accounts get so busy during the holidays, especially on the last day of the year.

This is the time when people start reminiscing their year and start posting things online.

Let CDN Digital give you a quick rundown on the trending topics on Twitter hours before welcoming 2020.


This hashtag is a simple play of wishing and hoping for the next year.


A fun way of looking back to the ten years full of memories may it be your favorite song, movie or anything that was very memorable for you for the past decade.


The hashtag of claiming the best things that can and will come this 2020. Since we will be given 365 days to grab each opportunity that comes our way. Keep the focus and claim that 2020 is the year for you!

Let’s not forget our photo-sharing favorite application Instagram. For sure it is hard to resist trying out this #bestnineof2019. This hashtag will let you know the top nine photos you have in your account for the past year or the photos with the top number of likes.


On Facebook, some of the users took us back to what they looked like at the start of the decade and how they look as they end the decade.


The social media is such a fun place to go through on days like the last day of the year. It’s where you can see how things went for others too and what they hope would happen for the new year.

Nonetheless, let’s start 2020 by thanking the decade of chances and challenges and welcome a new one with renewed courage to take on the different opportunities that await us.

Happy New Year, Siloys! /bmjo