A smart way to look for someone in the crowd when there’s no cellphone signal

Photo courtesy of Maria Antonnette Sanchez.

Photo courtesy of Maria Antonnette Sanchez.

CEBU CITY, Philippines—The cell signal shut off every Sinulog Festival affects a lot of people.

The decision to shut off cell signal is done for everyone’s safety, so there’s really no need to be angry about it.

But it does have its challenges, too.

Like, for example, looking for someone in the thick crowd along the Sinulog Grand Parade route.

That can really be difficult if you can’t call, text, or send a message through Facebook Messenger, the person you’re looking for.

Does this mean it’s impossible?

Of course not. 

In fact, a netizen captured a photo of someone who used a basic way to look for a person during the recent Sinulog 2020 celebration.

Ma. Antonnette Sanchez, 20, is the netizen behind one of the most talked about Sinulog posts in Cebu.

“While we were walking together with my cousins, we noticed the guy at the back of us holding a placard that read ‘Asa ka Jen? Paeta way signal’ and we found kuya so funny and adorable to the point that the people also noticed him and took a photo of him while holding the placard,” says Sanchez.

Sanchez didn’t get the name of the guy but the photo shows him holding up high a placard that read “Asa ka Jen? Paeta way signal.” (Where are you Jen. It’s tough having no signal.)

Sanchez didn’t find out either if the guy found “Jen” she did give the guy credit for the effort.

“I actually admired his effort in making a way to communicate with ‘Jen’ and it was also very funny as well,” adds Sanchez.

Since uploading the photo on January 19, the posts have become an instant hit.

As of January 22, the post has been shared 5,200 times with 3,600 reactions.

Now, we wonder. Did the guy actually find “Jen?” /bmjo