Labella says there is no ban yet on Chinese tourists but assures measures are in place vs entry of coronavirus in Cebu

Mayor Edgardo Labella

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Cebu City Mayor Edgardo Labella wants a more diplomatic approach in putting up precautionary measures against the spread of the feared novel coronavirus.

In an earlier phone interview with CDN Digital, the mayor said he will not yet be banning tourists from China because he does not want the tourism sector to suffer too much because of the scare.

Since flights to and from Wuhan, China have already been indefinitely suspended, he said there is already minimal chances for entry from the source of the virus. 

Read: All PH direct flights to and from Wuhan City suspended indefinitely

“We have already done all we could, we sent a team to the airport to help in the screening, we have warned the public,” said Labella in a press conference on Friday, January 24, 2020.

Read: DOH-7 sends more doctors, nurses to T2 of Mactan-Cebu International Airport

As for other affected areas such as the rest of China, Thailand, Singapore, and others, Labella said it would be better to remain vigilant of the symptoms of the virus and continue to monitor these areas where patients have already proven positive to the virus. 

Still, the mayor said he wants an intense monitoring of the areas already affected by the virus. 

Finally, he reminded the public that boosting the immune system is the primary defense against any illness including the 2019-nCov. /bmjo

Note: The story went through second editing to clarify that the story title should have read that Mayor Labella says there is no ban yet on Chinese tourists, instead of the original title that says Mayor Labella says there is no ban of Chinese tourists in Cebu.  — Editors