CEBU CITY, Philippines — A 24-year-old commercial sex worker is currently detained at the Waterfront Police Station of the Cebu City Police Office after she allegedly assaulted her customer inside a lodge along Manalili Street, Barangay Sto. Niño in Cebu City, around 5:45 a.m. today, January 25, 2020.
CDN Digital opted not to disclose the names of the persons involved due to the sensitivity of the issue.
Police Staff Sergeant Lolito Bustria, desk officer of Waterfront Police station, disclosed that while the victim was walking along Manalili Street, a pimp approached him and offered him the suspect for sex. The suspect claimed he paid P300 to the pimp and another P100 for the condom.
But when they checked in in a lodge, the girl allegedly asked the victim for P500 as tip, which he immediately gave to her.
However, when the victim took off his clothes, the suspect allegedly asked him again to give her another P1,000 as additional tip.
Bustria added that the man decided to no longer continue with their arrangement and told the girl to return the money that he gave her.
The commercial sex worker got angry and assaulted the suspect.
Bustria said that the victim sustained wounds on his left neck and right portion of his face after he was hit with an unknown object made of metal by the girl.
Bustria said that they will be filing physical injury charges against the commercial sex worker. /elb